With EUforLEGAL, Teleforum files will always be synchronized and automatically updated by the Ministry of Justice systems. Our Access Point (PdA) provides:

  • Real-time consultation of proceedings: files, deadlines, and hearings.
  • Display of Chancery communications and notifications.
  • Reference to legal precedents.
  • Access to RegIndE data (General Register of Electronic Addresses).
  •  Consultation of Telematic Deposits and Payments.
  • Synchronization of telematic files and automatic document downloads.

All of this is delivered through a solution that simplifies and streamlines the work and activities of the legal professional.

Ease your polisweb access


EUFORLEGAL SRL - P.IVA  15957891003Sede di Roma - Via Carlo Mirabello, 7 - 00195Tel.: +39 06372721; +39 06374931Sede di Napoli - Centro direzionale Via G. Porzio, 4 - Isola C/2 - 80143Tel.: +39 0816586610

EUFORLEGAL SRL è una società EUSTEMA SPA - P.IVA  15957891003